You must place an initial bid on an item before 6:00PM ET on Auction Closing Day to be eligible to bid on that item during the extended bidding period that starts at 6:00PM ET.
If you are the only bidder on a given lot at 6:00PM ET then that lot is automatically closed and you are declared the winner.
During the extended bidding period, a lot will remain open only to those who bid on that lot prior to 6:00PM ET.
All lots WITHOUT an opening bid at 6:00PM ET will remain OPEN to ALL bidders during the extended bidding or until they receive their first bid. These lots will close immediately upon receipt of a bid or at 7:00PM ET, whichever comes first.
The 30 Minute Rule starts and EACH LOT will close individually after that lot goes 30 minutes with no new bids being placed on it. Whenever a new bid is placed, the 30 minute timer will be reset and the 30 minute countdown will restart.
If you are the current high bidder on a lot and you change your ceiling bid after 7:00PM ET, this will NOT reset the 30 minute timer. Only a bid placed by another bidder or a higher "straight bid" placed by the current high bidder will reset the ending time on that lot.
RR Auction, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to extend the bidding, or reset the 30 minute timer, on any item at any time.